
How to use the EGMs

How to use the Evidence and Gap Maps

The Evidence and Gap Map provides a visual overview of the available evidence and gaps in the knowledge base. The maps show how much (or little) evidence exists, not whether the interventions studied were effective. For effectiveness and other details, see our Intervention Reviews.

  • The size of the bubbles indicates the amount of evidence available, while the colour represents the study design. No bubble means no available evidence.
  • The main view shows all interventions and their associated outcomes, with interventions along the vertical axis and outcomes along the horizontal axis. Each intersection on this grid shows where combinations of interventions and outcomes have been studied.
  • For example, within the available studies held in the Recovery and Healing map, we can see at a glance that the majority of studies have concerned interventions within Psychological and therapeutic programs, designed to have an impact on HealthThat intersection has the most and the largest bubbles:

Use the filters at the top and/or select the outcomes you’re interested in to narrow down your search:

Selecting a particular “Outcome” will change the view to show you sub-outcomes on the horizontal axis (e.g., clicking on “Health” reveals “Mental Health”, “Physical Health” and so on):

Hovering over the top of the intervention column will bring up + and – buttons which will allow you to drill in and out of the categories on each axis:

Click on a circle and then click on the “See details of studies” link to see the list of publications details about the individual studies:


When viewing the details of studies, you can click on active DOI links to take you directly to the journal or publication page:


You can view the full list or click on “View Single Study”:

To reset the filters, click on the symbol in the bottom right corner:

How can I use the Evidence and Gap Maps?

Our four EGMs broadly align to the domains of Australia’s National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032: prevention, early intervention, response, and recovery and healing.

The EGMs plot intervention categories along the vertical axis and outcome categories on the horizontal axis. The contents of each cell are represented by bubbles according to different study designs. The size of the bubble is proportional to the number of studies. Likewise, the absence of bubbles represents gaps in knowledge.

We have also added filters so that you can view the evidence according to characteristics most relevant for your specific purposes, including population, geographical location and study methods. By clicking into the bubbles you can access more detailed information about the studies. The resulting interactive matrix allows you to quickly understand and access a large and complex evidence base.

To learn how the EGMs are created, please see our Methodology Report.

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